on connecting the information and communication system to the Unified State webportal of the electronic services for using the remote qualified electronic signature “Diia.Signature” (“Diia ID”)
(revised version as of 01.01.2025)
State Enterprise DIIA hereinafter referred to as “the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal”), represented by General Director Dmytro Petrovych Petrushchenko, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one part, and the Party who acceded to the said Agreement by submitting an Application for accession to the terms and conditions of this Agreement to the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal (hereinafter referred to as “the Participant”), on the other part, hereinafter jointly referred to as “the Parties”, and each individually as “the Party”, have concluded this Agreement on connecting the information and communication system to the Unified State webportal of the electronic services for using the remote qualified electronic signature “Diia.Signature” (“Diia ID”) (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) as follows:
1.1. This Agreement is an accession agreement in the meaning of Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, and can be concluded only subject to binding the Participant by all terms and conditions hereof as a whole by submitting to the Technical Administrator of the Portal an Application for accession to this Agreement (see Appendix to the Agreement) available at, and in the manner stipulated by this Agreement.
1.2. 1.2. The terms in this Agreement are used in the meanings specified in the Laws of Ukraine “On Information”, “On Protection of Information in Automated Systems”, “On Electronic Communications”, “On Personal Data Protection”, “On Electronic Identification and Trust Services”, “On Basic Principles of Ensuring Cybersecurity of Ukraine”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 785 “On Implementation of a Pilot Project on the Use of a Remote Qualified Electronic Signature” dated 2 September 2020 (with changes), Provisions of Unified State webportal of the electronic services, approved Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1137 dated 4 December 2019 (with changes). The above list of the legal and regulatory acts is not exhaustive. The requirements of the legislation of Ukraine, legal and regulatory acts related to the goal, purpose and objectives of this Agreement can be clarified. Other concepts and terms are used in this Agreement in the meanings defined by the current legislation of Ukraine.
1.3. In order to familiarize the Participant with the amendments to this Agreement, the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal publishes the following amendments to the Agreement by posting of the Agreement and the Appendix to this Agreement, namely the Application for Accession to the Agreement, on the website The moment of familiarization of the Participant with the published information is the moment from which the information was made available to the Participant in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The current valid version of the Agreement is available on the Internet website
2.1. Under the terms of this Agreement and on the basis of the Application for Accession to this Agreement (Appendix to the Agreement), the Participant’s information and communication system (hereinafter referred to as “the Information and Communication System”) is connected to the Unified State webportal of the electronic services (hereinafter referred to as “Diia Portal”), and the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal provides their consent to such connection in order to implement the technical capacity established by the current legislation of using the remote qualified electronic signature “Diia.Signature” (“Diia ID”) and authentication of individuals who are users of the Diia Portal mobile application using this signature in the Information and Communication System.
2.2. Within the framework of this Agreement, the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal shall provide:
2.2.1. the use in the Information and Communications System of the remote qualified electronic signature “Diia.Signature” (“Diia ID”) and authentication of individuals who are users of the Diia Portal mobile application using it in the Information and Communication System, compatibility and integration of electronic identification schemes, means of qualified electronic signature implemented in the Diia Portal mobile application, their electronic information interaction with the Information and Communications System and ensuring the protection of information and personal data using uniform requirements, formats, protocols, and classifiers;
2.2.2. electronic information interaction and compatibility Diia Portal with the Participant’s Information and Communication System;
2.2.3. protection of data of the Diia Portal users from unauthorized access, destruction, modification by means of implementation of organizational technical measures, introduction of means and methods of technical protection of information;
2.2.4. designation and administration of control over the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System’s access to the information;
2.2.5. record of events related to the security of the Diia Portal;
2.2.6. maintenance and update of user-friendly software interfaces.
2.3. The connection of Information and Communication System to the Diia Portal and electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System until 31 December 2025 (inclusive) is free of charge. The configuring of the Information and Communication System connection to the Diia Portal is carried out at the expense of the Participant.
3.1. The Parties, subject to meeting the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the use of the Diia Portal, are obliged to follow and comply with the requirements of the Laws of Ukraine “On Protection of Information in Automated Systems”, “On Personal Data Protection”, “On Electronic Identification and Electronic Trust Services” and other legal and regulatory acts including those regulating relations associated with the Diia Portal functioning.
3.2. When connecting the Information and Communication System to the Diia Portal by signing of this Agreement, the Participant undertakes to comply with the following requirements and rules:
3.2.1. to ensure, upon connection the Information and Communication System to the Diia Portal, the sequence of actions required by the technical documentation provided by the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal, and ensure the safe and uninterrupted operation of the Information and Communication System, in particular during and as part of its electronic information interaction with the Diia Portal;
3.2.2. to use, when electronic information interacting with the Diia Portal, exclusively the means stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine to ensure safe and standardized information and data exchange, as well as to adapt its Information and Communication System to work with the Diia Portal;
3.2.3. to comply with the requirements of legal and regulatory acts and other documents stipulated by the current legislation that determine the Diia Portal operation procedure and its electronic information interaction with the Information and Communication System;
3.2.4. to update relevant information (including personal and the Information and Communication System) in the Diia Portal immediately after such changes took place (but not later than within 5 working days);
3.2.5. to immediately inform the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal of any problem (error) related to the use of the Diia Portal and/or arising from such use, as well as the circumstances under which such problem (error) occurred and the consequences that the Parties may experience in this regard;
3.2.6. to immediately inform the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal of any incident related to: the security of the Diia Portal and/or Information and Communication System; the functioning of the Diia Portal and/or Information and Communication System, their electronic information interaction and/or the imminent threat of such an incident;
3.2.7. to provide, at the written request of the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal, the necessary information to assess the level of security of the Diia Portal and/or the Information and Communication System, the information about security rules and the description of implemented measures;
3.2.8. to meet the requirements for electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System stipulated by this Agreement;
3.2.9. to follow the recommendations of the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal on the use of the Diia Portal and the connection servicing;
3.2.10. to carry out preliminary testing of electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System.
3.3. The Participant has the right:
3.3.1. to demand from the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal to be connected the Information and Communication System to the Diia Portal in accordance with the requirements and conditions set out in this Agreement;
3.3.2. to have a 24-hour access via the official website of the Diia Portal ( to: electronic identification schemes connected to the Diia Portal; application software interface of the Diia Portal designed to connect the Information and Communication System System to the Diia Portal;
3.3.3. to address the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal for the technical assistance to connect the Information and Communication System to the Diia Portal;
3.3.4. to submit applications in any form for the temporary or complete termination of the connection the Information and Communication System to the Diia Portal, as well as any other organizational issues related to the fulfilment of the Agreement terms and conditions, to the e-mail address;
3.3.5. to demand from the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal the fulfilment of obligations under this Agreement;
3.3.6. to have the opportunity provided by the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal to test the electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System.
3.4. The Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal undertakes:
3.4.1. to provide the Participant with the opportunity to carry out preliminary testing of electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System;
3.4.2. to advise the Participant on the electronic communication between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System through electronic communications.
3.5. The Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal has the right:
3.5.1. to send the Participant written/electronic notifications on the issues related to electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System. At that, the electronic notifications of the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal sent to the Participant and/or the notifications posted on the official website of the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal have the status of official written notifications from the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal and must be taken into account by the Participant;
3.5.2. to demand from the Participant the proper fulfilment of obligations under the Agreement;
3.5.3. to immediately terminate the Agreement, restrict any rights of the Participant stipulated by the Agreement, and/or give the Participant the time to eliminate deficiencies if:
- 3.5.3.the Participant violates the terms and conditions stipulated in the Agreement or the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine governing the respective legal relations;
- 3.5.3.the Participant provided inaccurate or incomplete information.
3.5.4. to terminate the validity of the Agreement due to the impossibility of its implementation giving a 30 calendar days’ notice to the Participant, in the following cases:
- to effect financing to the Diia Portal for the period of more than one month;
- changes to the legal acts that regulate the Diia Portal operation;
- a decision on termination of the Diia Portal in accordance with the legal and regulatory acts.
4.1. The electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System is carried out on the basis of this Agreement subject to observation by the Participant of the following requirements:
4.1.1. The Information and Communication system must be put into operation;
4.1.2. the Participant has executed all the documents needed for the Information and Communication System’s operation provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine;
4.1.3. the electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System was previously verified in the test environment of the Diia Portal.
4.2. Electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System shall mean Participant’s full agreement with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the amendments made to it, regardless of the time of the beginning of such electronic information interaction.
5.1. The Participant undertakes to comply with the following requirements for the processing of personal data of users of the Diia Portal:
5.1.1. to process personal data in a lawful, competent, transparent manner with appropriate grounds for processing;
5.1.2. to collect personal data only for a specific, clear and lawful purpose and subsequently do not process such data in a way incompatible with that purpose;
5.1.3. to limit the processing of personal data as necessary taking the purpose of processing into consideration;
5.1.4. to store personal data in a form that allows identification of the personal data only as long as is needed for the purpose of their processing;
5.1.5. to process in a manner that ensures the proper security of personal data including protection against unauthorized or illegal processing and against unintentional loss, destruction or damage, using technical and organizational tools;
5.1.6. to grant access to personal data only to those persons who have undertaken the non-disclosure duty;
5.1.7. to take other organizational and technical measures to ensure proper protection of personal data, in particular to conduct regular training for persons authorized by the Participant to process personal data of users with regard to personal data protection, to determine the procedure of access to personal data and keeping records of transactions related to processing and access to personal data, to develop an action plan in case of unauthorized access to personal data, technical equipment damage and occurrence of emergencies.
5.1.8. to approve relevant documents in the field of personal data protection and use them in the framework of electronic information interaction with the Diia Portal in accordance with Order of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine No. 1/02-14 dated 8 January 2014 “On Approval of Documents in the Field of Personal Data Protection”;
5.1.9. to appoint a person responsible for ensuring personal data protection within the framework of electronic information interaction with the Diia Portal in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of Ukraine in the field of personal data protection;
5.1.10. without unreasonable delay, but not later than within two (2) hours from the confirmation, to notify the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal of any unauthorized or illegal processing, unintentional loss, destruction or transmission of personal data, and provide full disclosure of such incident as well as measures taken to respond to the incident.
5.2. The Participant, jointly with the person responsible for personal data protection, undertakes to cooperate with the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal on personal data protection issues and, without unreasonable delay, to provide information and documents necessary to confirm compliance with the obligations of the Participant set forth in Section 5 of the Agreement.
6.1. The Participant may disclose information (media communications, publications, information on web resources, etc.) about connect the Information and Communication System to the Diia Portal only upon prior approval of such disclosure by the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal.
6.2. Information that requires prior agreement with the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal:
- materials (texts, images, and other content);
- place of publication of such materials;
- planned date of publication of such materials.
6.3. In order to obtain the approval of the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal, the Participant forwards the information for approval to communications channels that are determined by the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal, including, to Within three (3) working days from receipt of the relevant information, the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal agrees on it by sending an electronic response letter to the Participant or provides refuse or reasonable remarks on the need for appropriate updating of the information to be agreed.
6.4. The Participant notifies the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal of the intention to publish the information no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the planned information publishing date. In case of active communication (video shooting, press conference, media, social networks, etc.), the Participant notifies the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal of the intention to publish the information not later than twenty (20) calendar days prior to the planned information publishing date.
7.1. The Parties are liable for failure to fulfil or improper fulfilment of the terms and conditions of Agreement in accordance with this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine.
7.2. The Parties are not liable for non-observation of their obligations under the Agreement if this occurred through no fault of their own. The party is presumed innocent if it proves that it has taken all measures in its power to properly fulfil the obligation.
7.3. The Participant is responsible for the inadequate protection of personal data collected by the Participant as part of the electronic information interaction with the Diia Portal.
7.4. The Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal is responsible for the relevance of the data during the electronic information interaction.
7.5. The Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal is not responsible for the quality and reliability of the electronic communication networks used by the Participant during the electronic information interaction, as well as for the suitability of these networks for information transmission; for the quality of the equipment used by the Participant during the electronic information interaction; for failures in the computer equipment of the Participant.
7.6. The Parties are responsible for the disclosure of confidential information that has become known to them in connection with the conclusion of this Agreement in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.
7.7. The Parties are held not liable for full or partial non-fulfilment of obligations under the this Agreement if such non-fulfilment is caused by acts of God (“force majeure”) with extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions. These, in particular, include mass riots, decisions of state authorities, natural disasters, fires, disasters, power outages, global outages in Ukrainian and international segments of the Internet, routing system failures, failures in the distribution system of domain names, failures caused by hackers and DDOS attacks, etc.
8.1. In case of any disputes or disagreements, the Parties undertake to resolve them through mutual negotiations and consultations.
8.2. In the event that the Parties fail to reach an agreement, any disputes (disagreements) are resolved through legal proceedings in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
9.1. The Agreement signed with the qualified electronic signature comes into force from the moment when the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal accepts the duly completed Application for Accession to this Agreement (Appendix to the Agreement) in electronic format, signed with the qualified electronic signature or in a paper version, signed and sealed (if any) of the authorized person on behalf of the Participant and sent to the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal and is valid until 31 December 2025 (inclusive), but in any case until the Parties fulfil their obligations in full.
9.2. This Agreement is prematurely terminated:
9.2.1. by mutual agreement of the Parties;
9.2.2. by a court decision that enters into legal force;
9.2.3. by the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal in case of failure by the Participant to fulfil its obligations hereunder;
9.2.4. on the initiative of one of the Parties with the obligatory warning of the other Party in writing not later than fifteen (15) calendar days before the date of termination of the Agreement;
9.2.5. on other grounds provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine and this Agreement.
9.4. The Participant has the right to prematurely terminate the Agreement if he/she does not agree with the amendments made to its terms and conditions in accordance with Section 10 hereof. The Participant, within ten (10) working days from the date of publication by the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal of information on the Agreement terms, must forward a written notice of termination of the Agreement to the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal (including in electronic form to the email address signed with a qualified electronic signature). In this case, the validity of the Agreement is considered terminated from the date of entry into force of the relevant amendments to the Agreement. From the date of termination of the Agreement, in accordance with the procedure set forth in this clause, the Participant shall terminate electronic information interaction between the Diia Portal and the Information and Communication System.
10.1. The Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal has the right to unilaterally amend this Agreement, in particular by approving a new version of the Agreement, subject to the publication of information about amendments in accordance with Clause 1.3 of the Agreement.
10.2. The amendments to the Agreement shall enter into force on the day following the expiry of ten (10) working days from the date of publication of information about these amendments by the Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal in accordance with Clause 1.3 of the Agreement, or from the date of the amendments entry into force if such date is specified in the published information, but not earlier than three (3) working days from the date of publication of such information.
10.3. The Technical Administrator of the Diia Portal is not held responsible in the event that the information on the amendment of the Agreement made public in the manner and within the terms set forth in this Agreement has not been received and/or studied and/or correctly understood by the Participant.
10.4. Upon entry into force, any amendments to this Agreement are applied to all the entities acceded to the Agreement including those acceded to the Agreement before the date of entry into force of the amendments to the Agreement.
11.1. The Agreement is made in Ukrainian and English, with full understanding by the Parties of its terms and conditions and terminology.
11.2. In case of any discrepancy between the Ukrainian and English versions, the Parties agreed that the text in Ukrainian prevails.
12.1. The Application for accession to the Agreement on connecting the information and communication system to the Unified State webportal of the electronic services for using the remote qualified electronic signature “Diia.Signature” (“Diia ID”). (Appendix to the Agreement).